
Frequently Asked Questions

    Registration and Payment
    • What knowledge and skills are required to apply?

      We’ve developed courses for beginners in testing and for QA specialists. To start studying the Software Testing Basics course, no preliminary education is required. Personal characteristics like diligence, attentiveness, motivation to study and to enhance are much more important. Test Automation course presupposes the set of skills that is given on the Course page. Whichever course you choose, basic PC skills, ability to immerse in the lectures materials and focus on completing complicated home assignments will make the studying process less challenging.

    • How to apply for the course?

      To apply for the course, fill in the registration form on the course page. Once we’ve received your application, the course administrator will contact you to inform you on the starting date, curriculum and any vital details.

    • When should I pay for learning?

      You can try the first lesson at the "Software Testing Basics" online course for free. To attend the second webinar and continue learning, you’ll be asked to make a onetime payment. To attend the Test Automation online course, you have to make upfront payment before the course starts.

    • How should I pay for the online course?

      Once we’ve received your application and agreed upon all training terms and conditions, the enrollment agreement shall be signed. After the agreement is signed, you can pay for the course in either of two ways: via the bank transfer or via the Academy website (Visa, MasterCard payments cards are required).

    • Can I pay the fee in instalments?

      Unfortunately, no. Tuition fee instalments are not allowed. The fee should be paid immediately in full.

    Training Process
    • What is the training procedure?

      Students will be asked to manage their time and allow time to participate in three lectures a week and complete all assignments given by the tutor. It’s a common practice that simple tasks are assigned for working days and more complicated – for weekends. The final exam is the personal interview with the tutor that allows evaluating the level of the acquired knowledge and skills.

    • Can I get the video record of the lesson?

      There is no such an option at the QA Academy. All our studies are highly intense and require direct participation by all students. The courses have proven to be most efficient if a student has attended all the classes and cooperated with the tutor and other students.

    • I’ve missed a class. Can I catch up?

      If for some reasons you can’t take part in a lesson, inform your tutor and you’ll be provided with the corresponding theoretical material and list of recommended reading from the corporate knowledge base, you’ll have access to.

    • How can I ask a question to the tutor?

      You may contact your tutor personally during the classes or in between.

    • Whom should I address to solve any issue?

      Any urgent issue can be sorted out with the course mentor. Once you’ve registered for the course, you’ll get all the contacts.

    Certificate and Employment
    • What are the certification requirements?

      To complete the course successfully and get the certificate, the student should attend all the lectures, do practical trainings and pass the final exam. If any of this is missing, the student will get the certificate with the actual number of lecture hours attended.

    • Can the certificate be further identified?

      Sure, after the course completion you will receive a personal certificate with a unique ID number. Its authenticity can be verified any time online in QA Academy graduates database.

    • Do you provide any employment assistance to the graduates?

      We don’t provide any job guarantees, however the most successful and diligent graduates will be recommended for a job placement in our partnering IT companies.