Without the shade of a doubt, we can say that the 2019 year was very productive and bright. We kept on educating our talented students on QA-related issues and developing our own expertise.
Without the shade of a doubt, we can say that the 2019 year was very productive and bright. We kept on educating our talented students on QA-related issues and developing our own expertise.
Breaking news: we are starting the new intake of students for Software Testing Basics course that will be held at Riga Technical University!
Dear friends!
This July is going to be quite eventful: we are starting to recruit students for the new “Software Testing Basics” advanced online training that will be held in Russian.
Already at the beginning of March, we are awaiting the launch of a new course of Software Testing Basics – University, which will be held at the Riga Technical University.
We are glad to share the latest news! One more group in Riga has successfully fulfilled the course for aspiring software testing engineers.